this morning

we went for a walk, through 3rd block koramangala, along the roads being swept and next to the useless pavements. We saw all sorts of people and many stopped to smile and baby and coo into her pushchair. Some just stared. That's ok, I thought; today it's ok.

There were lavender jacaranda flowers pressed - and now dirty - into the floor. Next to the wall of a big house, there was a pile of beautiful bougainvillaea flowers - pink and white. And leaves everywhere: some dead and dry, the colour of dust, and some bright and fresh, still flexible and shapely with moisture - for now.

It will all die away, but tomorrow there will be new flowers, new leaves, and we will be renewed and refreshed after sleeping - a falling into dreams as though dead with the miracle of waking to life again with the newly born day.

It's spring, a time of dying and new life, a pointer, a cairn to remind us and point us beyond what we know to mystery.

1 Comment:

  1. Sound Curry said...
    I want to be theeerrrreeee!

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